Friday, May 26, 2017

Jake is a citizen!

USA USA USA!  Jake achieved his US citizenship this weekend-congrats!

We also got to see Sesame Street Live- which Pia and Joey loved! Joey would clap after each song and then say "More?!" I tried to get it on video... tried.

There is a baby girl at daycare that LOVES Joey... she hugs and kisses him every morning. Joey is not a fan. Video:

Sunday in Atlantic City


Monday, May 22, 2017

Grammy visit

Saturday was SO rainy. We were stuck inside all day loooooong. Thankfully, Grammy came for a visit, so we played dress up, we painted a butterfly box, and drove mom crazy. :)

On Sunday (Mother's Day) we played bubbles outside for about 4 hours and had fun playing in the moving truck. 

Pia singing "Let it Go"


Friday, May 12, 2017

Block Party and Broad Street Run

This weekend, we went to the Ocean City Spring Block party and then on Sunday, Briana ran in the Broad Street Run with Uncle Brett and Aunt Megs. It was SO much fun and THANK you to Megs and Brett for doing this- Tharps Rule!

Pia "shimmying" during the block party

Sunday Broad Street Run and Zorbas lunch:

Friday, May 5, 2017

Spring weekends at home

We spent the last two weekends enjoying our house and the weather. Joey is obsessed with Bubbles. He runs around screaming BUBBLES!! haha
I also attempted to do Spring Photos with the kids.  Enjoy!

Saturday 4/29/17 day

Saturday 4/29/17 night

Celebrating my "27th Birthday" at Steve & Cookies Restaurant

While Joey naps, Pia and daddy hit golf balls!