Tuesday, June 23, 2015

48 Weeks Old- Father's Day and 11 months old!

Happy Father's Day!!  Pia had a wonderful weekend with Daddy! She spend Friday with Daddy and got to play all day and even went to the fountains. Then on Saturday, we went to Jersey to look at some more houses so Pia got to spend loads of time with her Aunts and Uncles, Grandpop and Nona.

Check out the video of Pia putting Ducks in the bucket :)

Lots of pictures!

48 Weeks old
June 22, 2015

Day with Dad

Daddy and Pia selfie

Saturday 6/20/15
Walking with Uncle Jake

Dance party with Auntie Sam!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

47 Weeks Old

This weekend, we cleaned the lot next to our house. We had tons of helpers - special thanks to Uncle Brett, Auntie Sam, Uncle Jake, Grandpop, Uncle John, and some neighbors. This lot was 3ft tall with vegetation .... and we pulverized it! I forgot to take a 'before' picture but I got a few towards the end. Pia was there making sure everyone stayed hydrated and motivated!

47 Weeks old
June 15, 2015
Cleaning the lot

12 trash bags full!

All clean!

Enjoying some dinner at Zorbas

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

46 Weeks- Uncle Brett's birthday

Mommy started a new job this week and she is very happy! 
Pia had a nice weekend:  She went to a neighborhood fair on Saturday then got to hang out with the Bozic's as we celebrated Uncle Brett's birthday. On Sunday, we spent the day in Jersey looking for houses- we are moving to the burbs at some point this year so we're starting our house hunt!

June 8, 2015
46 Weeks old



Mommy's new office
Neighborhood fair

At the Park with the Bozic crew:

Pia was done with pictures! Lily and Johnny were so concerned and helped Pia

Opening gifts with Buncle

The kiddos

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

45 Weeks- Beach

Over the last weekend, we spent the memorial day at the beach. Pia loved the beach and watching all the birds/kites fly around!

New this week: Pia will mimic your facial movements and noises. If you cluck your tongue, she will do it too! If you squint your eyes, she will squint too!

45 Weeks old

Memorial Day at the Beach!

Grandpop with a 'Cahill' for a point!

snuggling with Auntie Sam

Getting a bath to get all the sand and sun lotion off

Pia and Harlan in the hammock
May 24, 2015
Fishing trip: We collectively caught, 3 shells, 2 crabs, 1 sand shark, and 5 flounder (3 throwbacks and 2 keepers. Bri caught a 18in flounder and Tony caught a 4lb beast flounder!). What a great day!

Bri trying to hold her catch...

no way, can't do it!

the beast

Check out those eye balls!!


3 Crabs were found in the Beast's belly!

That evening, we went for a walk on the boardwalk:

Pia loved looking at all the birds!

Uncle Jake is so excited for the mechanical singing animals!


Train ride

Video: https://youtu.be/DBIcA-v4gzw


Pia is very focused on ringing the bell