Wednesday, May 27, 2015

44 Weeks

Pia went to Johnny's 2nd birthday party this weekend and got to see lots of family. She showed off her crawling skills and even went in a bouncy house! It was a great party!!

44 Weeks Old
May 25, 2015

Meeting Daddy on his walk home from work:

Yellow Flower: While we wait for Daddy to come down from his building, Pia loves to look at the big flower pots. Today, she was overjoyed when I picked a flower for her to hold. She held it the entire walk home and even during dinner. So freaking cute! 

My favorite thing is getting Pia in the mornings.
Pia is in a 'still waking up' stage and is typically happy and so lovable! She gives the best hugs in the mornings. Many times when I go in there in the mornings, she is sitting there, playing with her dolls, just giggling!  I wanted to take a video of the experience so here you go! 

Video:   Pia in the morning

Johnny's 2nd Birthday Party
Saturday May 23rd



Standing at the water table all by herself!

getting ready for the water gun fight!

watch out Uncle Brett!

3v1... tough fight, Uncle Brett...

wet t-shirt contest!

Pia loved dipping her toes in the sandbox


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

43 Weeks- 10 months old!

Pia had a wonderful week!
On Wednesday, Pia hung out with GiGi, Poppy, and Grammy.
Then on Friday, Lily and Johnny took Pia to the Philadelphia Zoo.
 On Saturday, Pia had a picnic in the park and on Sunday Pia hung out with Mommy's friends and their kids- Reagan, Grace, and Ben.

43 Weeks old

Constantly climbing all over EVERYTHING!

Wednesday 5/13 - early morning walk to the Water Works:

Daddy came home for lunch and Pia was SO happy to see him!

Pia and Grammy
GiGi and Poppy
Friday 5/15/15 at the Philadelphia Zoo:




Tony ran into Jeremy Maclin at the Zoo!


Saturday 5/16/15- Picnic


Sunday 5/17/15- Pia, Reagan, and Grace