Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

30 Weeks

 Pia is grabbing everything- faces, hair, eyeballs.... !   She's also babbling up a storm - see the videos. She is so funny! We are so in love with that little nugget!

30 Weeks old
Pia loves talking to Teddy

Pia loves grabbing the paper! I can't seem to put the sign up without her stealing it!
Anniversary- shopping  in the city:

so many ties....!

On Sunday 2/15, Pia got to hang out with Grandpop all by herself while Mom and Dad looked at houses

Then Harlan came over!!!


Playing with toys 

Saturday morning, talking with Dada

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

29 weeks

Pia got to meet all the Falcons on Saturday 2/7/15. She loved seeing all the girls and parents! On Sunday, Pia had lunch with the girls and she got to meet Lauren and her daughters Charlotte and Caroline.

Pia is obsessed with the sign!

Saturday 2/7: Meeting the Falcons!

Sunday 2/8 Lunch with the girls:

Dina and Pia


Lauren and
 Caroline 9 months old