Wednesday, October 29, 2014

14 weeks

Baby Pia is 14 weeks old! She's so awesome. Every week her personality is showing more and more.
This week was pretty low key. We went to Daddy's soccer game and tried to enjoy the last bit of warm-ish weather before the winter cold comes.


I forgot to add this picture from last week: ha!

Daddy's girl

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

3 Months Old!

Pia is 3 months old and is such a little gem! She is loving daycare- the daycare is loving her! All the other teachers know Pia and when she arrives in the mornings they all come out to greet her. Miss P stands for Miss Popular! Jk
The exciting event this week was Pia's Baptism. Pia was baptized at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, aka the big church on the Parkway. We had a beautiful ceremony and she even had her own canter sing during the baptism! There were about 25 family/friends there to witness Pia's baptism- We are truly blessed.